Title: Tifflor, de Partisan 
Author: Mahr, Kurt
First Published: Germany: Moewig, 1962-03-30
Length: 64 pages
Keywords: betaalberio, eiswelt, etztak, orlans, snowman, tifflor 
Review by: Don Kuenz

A Perry Rhodan Spin Tale on the Double


The cosmic decoy, cadet Julian Tifflor, and four others, sneak away aboard a small three seat destroyer to escape Springer Captain Orglans' clutches. The K-7 "guppy" carries robot RB-013 in its hold. Evasive endeavors ensue until a damaged K-7 crashes on an icy world. Now the quintet must hide, holed up in caves until Rhodan rescues his recruits.

The heavily out-gunned Rhodan arranges for his best friend Bell to pilot the K-8 "guppy" through a Springer planetary blockade. Bell's K-8 shuttles survival supplies and mouse-beaver Pucky to the marooned cadets. Pucky teleports himself with the provisions down to the planet's frozen surface. Afterward Bell runs rings round the Springer battle-fleet to return to Rhodan.

To his own detriment, Orglans takes the cosmic decoy at face value and convinces Springer Patriarch Etztak on its veracity. Etztak in turn psyco-grills a former Monterny minion mercilessly and makes mutant Mouselet mindless in the process.

Etztak firmly believes Tifflor holds the secret to eternal life. So Springers scour Snowman, the ice planet, to smoke out Tifflor.

Titles, teasers, covers, characters, & blurbs

Besides the story itself, this is a tale of two publishers: Moewig and Ace. German publisher Moewig released its first Perry Rhodan pulp magazine on March 26, 1961. Having sold more than two billion copies as of 2019, it is the most successful science fiction ever written. Eight years after Moewig’s debut, American publisher Ace Books published its first English translation in 1969. Ace Books ceased publication in 1979, even though the translations remained profitable at the time.

Wendayne and Forrest J Ackerman respectively acted as translator and editor for Ace. Although at first Forrest mostly copied Moewig’s cover and content verbatim, along the way he made the Ace translations his own with unique covers, additional content, and out of order story telling. The left column below contains original content while the right holds Ackerman’s derivative work.

Tifflor, de Partisan Peril on Ice Planet

Kadetten der Weltraumakademie im Noteinsatz auf einer fremden Welt und gegen einen mächtigen Feind ... Cadets of the Space Academy in an emergency on a strange world and against a powerful enemy ...

Die von Perry Rhodan geleitete Dritte Macht – jene glückliche Mischung aus menschlicher Energie und arkonidischer Supertechnik – hat in den zehn Jahren ihres Bestehens bereits eine wildbewegte Geschichte aufzuweisen, die voller dramatischer Höhepunkte ist.

Die jüngsten Geschehnisse jedoch erwecken den Eindruck, dass Perry Rhodan bei seiner Begegnung mit den „Springern“ oder „Galaktischen Händlern“ auf eine Macht gestoßen ist, die jederzeit gewillt und in der Lage ist, die Erde zu vernichten und damit einen möglichen Konkurrenten des interstellaren Handels auszuschalten.

Seit acht Jahrtausenden besitzen die Springer das galaktische Handelsmonopol, weil sie bisher jede Konkurrenz schon in ihren Ansätzen unerbittlich unterdrückten.

Das rein kommerzielle Denken, das sich bei den Springern im Laufe der Jahrtausende immer stärker ausprägte, bedeutet für die Menschheit die einzige Chance.

Denn nur, wenn die auf ihren eigenen Vorteil bedachten galaktischen Kaufleute, die auf Grund der schändlichen Tätigkeit des Overhead die Erde entdeckten, es unterlassen, weitere Händlersippen zu informieren und in das „Geschäft“ einzuschalten, kann Perry Rhodan hoffen, die Springer von der Erde fernzuhalten ...

TIFFLOR, DER PARTISAN leistet bei dieser Aufgabe wertvolle Dienste ...

PUCKY'S BACK–and that means he's on the Springers' back! The monopolists of the starways have met their match in Mouse-Beaver #1.

PERRY RHODAN picks Pucky to help his New Power personnel stranded on the ice-world of Beta Albireo.

The SPRINGER plane hasn't been built yet that could keep Pucky from boarding it if he sets his mind to it . . . and beyond that Pucky's plan is to force his way into the Springer commandship itself, there to learn what action is being plotted against Perry's people on this far frozen world.

TOTAL DESTRUCTION, no less, is the threat that faces the Terranians–if the monomaniacal Springers can't capture Tifflor and the others alive, they are prepared to blow up the whole planet to destroy their enemies!

CAN PUCKY prevent them?

DANGEROUS ADVENTURE comes thick and fast, hot & heavy, as Pucky and Perry's people cope with–


Die Hauptpersonen des Romans: THE ACTION & ADVENTURE HAPPENS WITH
Perry Rhodan – Chef der Dritten Macht.
Reginald Bull – Perry Rhodans bester Freund und Stellvertreter.
Julian Tifflor, Klaus Eberhard und Humpry Hifield – Drei Kadetten der Weltraumakademie der Dritten Macht.
Gucky – Der seltsamste Offizier des Mutantenkorps.
Orlgans – Ein geschäftstüchtiger Springer-Kapitän.
Etztak – Patriarch und Kriegsherr der Orlgans-Sippe.
RB - 013 – Dieser arkonidische Kampfroboter hört jetzt auf den Namen „Moses“.
Perry Rhodan–Peacelord of All the Planets
Julian Tifflor–Cadet of the Space Academy of Terrania
Humpry Hifield, Klaus Eberhardt, Felicita Kergonen & Mildred Orsons–Other Space Cadets
Orlgans–Alien Springer Captain of the Orla XI
Ornafer–Springer sparring partner of Orlgans
Ferla & Honnap–Springer guards
Harlgas–Commander of a group of Springer ships
RB-013–Arkonide robot
Paradicsom–Springer with ran equilavent to lieutenant
Mernok–Springer of sergeant's rank
Majs. Deringhouse & Nyssen–Officers of Rhodan's Space Force
McClears–One of Perry's men
Reginald Bell–With bellicose grin, he's usually close to Perry
Khrest–Ancient Arkonide scientist



Julian Tifflor and Klaus Eberhardt fire on Pscholgur.

After Pucky joins the shot down partisans on the Ice Planet, most of the action takes place either near the planet's surface or aboard a nearby Springer fleet. A trio of large ships: the ETZ XXI, the HORL VII, and the ORLA XI comprise the core of the Springer battle-fleet. Smaller, two seat patrol craft, such as the ship Psholgur pilots, fill out the fleet.

Psholgur, and his commander Enaret, comb an assigned planetary sector in patrol ships 31 and 32. The sector where the K-7 crashed. The patrol ship's sensors can locate RB-013 sized metallic masses in shallow snow. A running skirmish takes place between the patrol craft and Tifflor's partisans.

Pucky infiltrates Etztak's command ship and uses telepathy to overhear the Patriarch's private plans to use Arkon bombs on board the HORL VII to destroy the Ice Planet soon if Tifflor successfully eludes capture. Pucky also learns of Orlgans' robot agents sent to Earth.


Creation of Adam

Creation of Adam.

The title "Tifflor, de Partisan" touches on Eis Welt's resistance movement under Cadet Tiff. Ackerman's title takes the focus off of Tifflor.

The Bruck cover, shown above in the left column, depicts Pucky with his raygun trained on Holloran, the Springer. Pucky orders Holloran to transport them to Etztak's command ship, the ETZ XXI. Whereupon Pucky issues an ultimatum to Etztak.

The Morrow cover, shown above on the right, seems to stylize the fingers central to the Creation of Adam. The cover gives a sense of the severe subzero surface conditions on Snowman, the Ice Planet, the Eis Welt.

Stories set in cold climatic conditions work well as winter entertainment for me. Preppers who live underground in caves and struggle to stay warm enough to survive add to the fantasy.


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